Student Blogs

Don’t get fancy, just get dance-y!

October 27th, 2013 mpwhit14

Everybody has that one weird co-curricular that they just adore.  If you have read my blog before, you can probably guess mine:  that’s right, I’m talking about ballroom dance.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I LOVE ballroom dance.  Competing with the team fuels my competitive drive, practicing twice a week keeps me in shape, and the people – oh, the people!  I fell in love with ballroom dance three years ago, and I am still in love.

My clubs are pure fun – they are just groups of people who have the same hobbies I have, so we get together sometimes to talk about those hobbies and maybe learn something.  As a student, I need co-curriculars to break me out of the cycle of classes and papers and work.  Holy Cross students know that (probably too well, since most of us are involved in way more than one club or sport).  Clubs, club sports, and all of those other things that we do “extra” – they are so important because they allow us, the students, to be more than just students.  In co-curriculars, we become well-rounded, interesting people… or, at least, we get to blow off some steam!

HCBDT Silver Dancers dance American Swing!

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