Student Blogs

Harvest Fest

October 17th, 2013 mpwhit14

On the long list of things I love about Holy Cross, Harvest Fest gets its own post.  This one night in Kimball is possibly the greatest night of the entire year.  Formerly known as Applefest, Harvest Fest culminates a whole Harvest Week, during which all the dining areas on campus serve fall-themed food.  There is hot apple cider at Cool Beans, pumpkin bisque soup at the Science Cafe, and so on.  But Harvest Fest in Kimball – Harvest Fest in Kimball is untouchable.  On this one legendary Thursday night, the dining hall serves every fall dessert you could think of – all at once!  My friends and I like to go early and eat caramel apples for dinner, apple pie for dessert, and top it all off with hot or cold apple cider.

Of course, Harvest Fest is about more than just dessert.  It comes right in the middle of the semester, just when things are starting to get crazy.  It gives us something to get excited about and something to celebrate on what would be just any other Thursday.  And, Harvest Fest marks the beginning of fall in New England, which is the greatest season on Earth!

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