Student Blogs

The Great Unknown

September 15th, 2013 mpwhit14

Every Sunday, the Career Services office sends all the seniors a bulletin about what jobs have been posted recently, upcoming deadlines, and other information about how to tackle the job search.  So, today’s installment of “things Megan loves about Holy Cross” is entitled, How Holy Cross Helps Students Move On From Holy Cross.

During my first year at Holy Cross, I was introduced to the three questions that are meant to guide us through the whole Holy Cross experience:

1.  Who am I?

2.  Who do I want to become?

3.  Who will I be for others?

Now that I am a senior I am thinking a lot about the future, the great unknown, and what on earth I am going to be doing when this year ends.  Like every senior, I am clinging to every single day and hoping the year never really ends… but it will, and we are all trying to have a plan in place when it does.  Those questions, which have been such a big part of my education, are even more relevant now.  Who am I?  Who do I want to become?  Who will I be for others?  Where do I go from here?

Thankfully, Holy Cross does not let me ponder the great unknown all by myself.  Between my advisor, the chaplains’ office, the office of Career Services, the office of Fellowships and Graduate Study, and every single one of my professors, there are a plethora of people who are ready and willing to talk this stuff out with each senior – and then, when we think we know where we want to go, they help us formulate  a plan so we can get there.  That is one of the big perks of this small, liberal arts school.  The resources and the opportunities for those of us who are facing the future are endless and practically forced upon us, every Sunday, in our inboxes.

It’s only three weeks into the school year and I have already had so many of those “so where are you going to be next year” conversations.  I haven’t figured out the answers to all those “who am I” questions, but I am getting closer.  My fellow seniors and I, like the many classes before us, are going to move on from the Hill eventually.  Hopefully, we will move on happily and successfully – Holy Cross insists upon it!

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